ZBC incident opens the shaping up of internet connectivity in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) has recently made headlines as its Chief Executive Officer, Adelaide Chikunguru, faces suspension for purchasing Starlink Internet, a service yet to be licensed in Zimbabwe.This move has sparked debate and raised questions about the state of internet connectivity in the country and the regulatory framework governing it.
Last week, Chikunguru found herself suspended from her position without salary or benefits.

According to insider reports, the ZBC board took this drastic measure in response to Chikunguru’s procurement of Starlink, a satellite internet service provided by SpaceX, owned by Elon Musk.
“The ZBC board suspended its CEO for buying Starlink, which is yet to be licenced in Zimbabwe,” a source said on Monday.
The suspension of the ZBC CEO has stirred speculation and discussion among industry experts and the public alike.At the heart of the matter lies the legality and implications of utilizing a service like Starlink in a country where it has not been officially licensed or regulated.
On one hand, supporters of Chikunguru argue that her decision to invest in Starlink was motivated by a genuine desire to improve internet connectivity in Zimbabwe.With the country grappling with unreliable and often inadequate internet infrastructure, especially in rural areas, alternative solutions like Starlink could potentially bridge the digital divide and empower communities with better access to information and resources.
However, opponents of Chikunguru’s actions point to the importance of adhering to regulatory procedures and protocols.They argue that while the intention to improve internet access is commendable, bypassing established licensing processes sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the authority of regulatory bodies tasked with overseeing telecommunications and internet services.Moreover, concerns have been raised about the potential implications of using a service like Starlink without proper regulatory oversight.
Issues such as spectrum allocation, data privacy, and national security come to the forefront, highlighting the need for a comprehensive regulatory framework that addresses the unique challenges posed by satellite internet technologies.The suspension of Chikunguru underscores the complexities and tensions inherent in navigating the intersection of technology, regulation, and governance.It serves as a reminder of the importance of striking a balance between innovation and compliance, ensuring that advancements in technology are harnessed responsibly and ethically for the benefit of society.As the case unfolds, all eyes will be on the ZBC and regulatory authorities to see how they address the broader issues at hand and chart a path forward for internet connectivity in Zimbabwe.
Whether this incident leads to a more robust regulatory framework for emerging technologies like satellite internet remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the stakes are high, and the decisions made today will shape the future of internet access in Zimbabwe for years to come.