Redcliff Town council tackles Waste Management crisis

Redcliff Town Council has recently acquired a tipper truck, a loader and a refuse compactor in order to improve on sound waste management exercise in the once iron mining town, which had degenerated into a garbage dump site.Refuse collection has been a thorn in the flesh for Redcliff Town Council and garbage disposal had gone out of hand as most open spaces in Redcliff, Torwood ,Rutendo and Simbi Park were littered with garbage from homes that council failed to provide disposal systems.

“We are going to have a massive Clean Up exercise on the 6 th January 2023 and we will use that platform to do an awareness campaign since residents will be participating in the campaign “ said Redcliff Mayor Clayton Masiyatsva.

It will remain to be seen if Redcliff residents will participate and bring waste management as part of 2023 Clean Redcliff or it will be garbage after garbage after garbage in the streets.