Improper mining methods a source of cyanide poisoning

There are suspicions that artisanal mines near where 23 cattle died in Mhangula last week after drinking water could have been the source of the cyanide which is thought to have killed the animals.Cyanide is widely used by artisanal miners in their operations, and so many times in the past the authorities have expressed worries over its mishandling in the sector.Apart from being deadly when consumed, it also has harmful effects on the environment, factors which artisanal miners cared little about.
The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) confirmed the existence of illegal mining activities in the vicinity where the 23 cattle died in Mhangula, and these are now thought to have been the source of the cyanide.
The livestock reportedly died immediately after drinking water from a stream near a gold or leaching plant at Village 4, Rickstone Farm on January 14.EMA, which has joined investigations into the cattle deaths, said it had earlier fined two mining operators in the area for flouting its regulations.
“Both the mines were also issued Environmental Protection Orders to cease operation and also to put in place cut off trenches to prevent contamination of the environment and the nearby ARDA (Agricultural and Rural Development Agency) stream. Also poor slimes dams’ management was observed at the mines, hence the order to put in place appropriate management mechanisms to prevent possible contamination of the environment and nearby water bodies,” EMA said.

The agency called on miners to be vigilant especially during the rainy season by ensuring that they put in place all necessary preventive measures against possible contamination of the environment such as raising walls of the cyanide tanks and deepening cut off trenches around the cyanidation and or mining area.
“The agency would also want to remind the miners and the general public that it remains a punishable offence to transport, store and use hazardous substances without the relevant licences from the agency as enshrined in Statutory Instrument 268 of 2018. Anyone found in violation of this regulation will be fined up to maximum level 14 or imprisonment.
To that end, mining should be done in a manner that does not harm the environment or the safety of the public and animals”.
The environmental body warned that those found in violation of environmental regulations would be prosecuted.